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November, 2003 at Uncle Steve's in Zion, PA

This was the second trip of 2003. It was kind of cold. We didn't get many pictures but did get some video.

The first trip in 2003 was at the end of August, just before school started.

The very first trip up was in August of 2002.

It was cold….

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August, 2003 at Uncle Steve's in Zion, PA

Hot-doggin it...

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Donut time….

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More donuts….

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March 13, 2003 in Doylestown

Abusing the equipment...
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August, 2002 at Uncle Steve's in Zion, PA

2001 Stuff

Official Honda Pictures
(click to enlarge)

A brand new bike...and rider…

(click for a bigger view)

Jeff Witt Jr's Home Page | Zion Riding Trips 2005 | My Yamaha TTR125LE | My Chonda XR107 | My Honda XR70 | My Guitar Page